The internet is full of redundant information. People can obtain cheap knowledge more and more easily, but few people screen knowledge, and high-quality knowledge sharing has become increasingly important. High-quality knowledge is not often freely accessible by the public, so how can we obtain it? A direct and effective method is to pay for it. DISCIPLINA will use tokens to motivate knowledge sharers, who will be able to build a community and gather a following. DISCIPLINA will also use smart contracts to ensure a fair deal for those purchasing knowledge. Our token firmly unites knowledge sharers and their fans. Fans’ token holdings also represent their trust in the knowledge sharers as well as their willingness to pay. Education All over the world, young people continue to seek higher education with the goal of landing a job at well-known companies like Google. However, this concept is no longer relevant today. Traditional attitudes need to change. Prominent representatives of ...

DISCIPLINA is a multifunctional blockchain for projects in the educational and recruiting spheres. It provides the transparency of work and creates conditions of maintaining confidentiality and reliability of information added by system participants. DISCIPLINA doesn’t use any other blockchains in its work and is being developed for the demands of the educational and recruiting fields, taking into account the specificity of their work.